-Stathia Orwig It’s almost summer- and you know what that means! Camps galore! This is a time when kids get to take a break from the routine and try out new things- and camps are a great way of exploring. This summer, Music SO Simple is offering a few different camps for both preschool and school age. Preschool camps are quite possibly my favorite because I get to spend a few hours each day with the kids. During these camps, there is not a whole lot of downtime- we are learning constantly. They learn about composers, the symphony, and how music shapes what we see and feel. This is a great age to let them explore and soak up so much knowledge. Parents are always surprised at what our campers go home learning! We have special songs to help them remember where the instruments sit in the symphony and even interesting composer facts (like that Beethoven was deaf, but at one time could hear!) In addition, we are learning fundamental notes and rhythms. There is a lot of hands on learning, and more importantly, we keep the camp size small. Our campers get a lot of individual attention so that we can help each child learn in his/her own individual way. School age camps are new this year, and I am really excited to see how well they go! Ms. Youna is offering a couple of musical theatre camps: she has such a passion for our vocalists and is excited to bring age-appropriate songs and moves to our kids. As a professional opera singer, she knows first hand about stage presence, repertoire, and acting. All three of these things are super important AND fun, and will help with future recitals and stage performance. Ms. Meredith is offering both a Music Appreciation class and a Back to School Theory refresher camp; both will be offered in August. Sometimes, the private lesson student gets so caught up in the piano or voice world that he/she forgets there is a whole world of other instruments out there!! This camp is a great opportunity to explore the other instruments and music history through games and group activities. Summertime theory is always necessary since we become a little rusty after theory testing in January. Summer is the perfect time to dive in again, refresh their memories, and start learning new concepts. Please take a look at all Music SO Simple has to offer your little musician this summer. You won’t be disappointed! These camps are great in combination with our private lesson packages or on their own for new students. Our teachers are very excited to get to know and work with your children in a small group setting! It’s a win-win for everyone involved!! Reach out to us if you have more questions on our summer music camps!
-Meredith Manley We are a few short weeks away from our spring recital at Park Cities Baptist Church! Not only is this exciting because we present special awards to our students that they’ve earned over the school year (honor roll, theory test, 40 piece challenge, etc.), but it also marks the end of our first year as a business! Our students have been working hard on their recital pieces and we can’t wait to share them with family and friends on May 20th. On top of finishing all of the planning and logistics, there is a lot going on in order to make sure our students are well prepared. Most students began learning their piece around spring break, so the priority at this point is for students to have their piece(s) memorized by May 10th. This gives them another week or so to polish it up and make sure its performance ready. A great way to for students to be ultra prepared is to attend one of our recital prep classes. We have two class options: April 29th in the Park Cities area, and May 6th in Richardson. It’s limited to 8 students, and it gives them a chance to play their recital piece for a small group and receive feedback. Not only will these classes boost their confidence for recital day, but it’s also a wonderful opportunity to get to know some of our other students. It’s always fun to see students who meet at the prep class reunite at recital and cheer each other on! Just let your teacher know if you’d like to attend and we can sign you up! We are so proud of all of the progress our students have made this year, and recital day is the perfect way to celebrate them. For us teachers, it’s an amazing time to reflect and think about where the student was on their musical journey back in September, and where they are now! We are also very grateful that you have chosen us to be your child’s piano or voice teacher- we know there are a lot of options out there for teachers and we are so thankful.
January 2025