-Stathia Orwig Oh my goodness- I can’t believe it’s the beginning of a new school year! I personally as a mom am always so happy when summer comes: the (theoretically) more relaxed schedule and just switching up day to day activities. But once we start rolling into August and getting ready for school to begin, I am ready for the routine again. At the start of a new school year, I make new goals for myself, for my kids, for our family life. Here are a few ideas to think about as we get back into the “real” practice routine:
We do have a few updates with Music SO Simple. We wrote a welcome letter that will also be in your child’s binder at the beginning of the year, but feel free to take a look at it here. There are lots of great reminders of our policies and just good tidbits to know and remember. Tuition rates are posted on the website. Fees for festivals, contests, and recitals will be billed at appropriate times, and I will send out an email at least a month prior to let you know of the charges. Student of the Week will begin at the beginning of September!! Students chosen will be in the weekly newsletter with their picture, and they receive 10 music bucks, a certificate, and a yard sign! We choose students for many reasons! If you want more info on SOW, check out the blog we wrote here. Piano Maestro and Sprout Beat are great iPad programs that has been around for a few years and are continually updating. We are going to begin incorporating them into lessons with appropriate students. To learn more about it, ask your teacher or check out their website.
-Meredith Manley This week I’m writing the blog specifically for our voice students and their parents- I call it the “Do’s” and “Don’ts” of voice lessons. I find that many parents have good intentions when it comes to helping their child become a better singer, but reading through this list will ensure that you’re on the right track!
Do’s List:
Don’ts List: 1) Don’t encourage your child to sing a particular way without consulting your qualified teacher: if something sounds wrong or off when listening to your child sing, ask the teacher about it instead of correcting your child. You may be instructing them to do something that can be harmful their voice. 2) Don’t tell your child they cannot sing well because they don’t sing every note in tune: part of voice lessons as a beginner is learning to sing in tune with a nice tone. So many children who have potential to become great singers were told by a parent that they didn’t sound good when they sang. So if you hear a couple of wonky notes, don’t worry! It takes time to develop intonation. We are all guilty of these “Don’ts”, so use this as an opportunity to start fresh! Understanding your child’s goals in voice lessons is key to being a supportive parent, and as always, communication with your teacher is a must for success. Buying a piano is not really as easy as just going out and purchasing the best deal you can find. I know, I really wish it were that easy. The issue is that there are so many makes and models for anyone’s budget. Then, there is always the decision to buy new or used.
*Check out http://www.ptg.org/document//36/ where we found a lot of this useful information and more! |
January 2025